Friday, January 7, 2011

Goodbye 210, Hello 2011

I have several friends that say they are sad to see 2010 go, but as for me, I couldn't be happier! 2010 was a loooong year and not in a good way. We did have lots of fun too though, great vacations, lots of time with family and we made many happy memories. I just love new beginnings and I am confident that 2011 has lots of things in store for us.
I haven't really made any resolutions this year,
but I do have a few "to-do" items:

1. Convince Robert that all of those old Baseball cards really do need to be thrown out or given to a good home :) Wish me luck on this one...I think it is the one that may not be accomplished!
2. Clean out all of my closets. When I say clean out, I don't mean organize, I mean throw away. We have entirely too much stuff for two people.
3. Start a food storage. This is something that I know I should already be working on, but thus far I haven't. This year I want to have at least a few essentials set aside in case of an emergency.
4. Buy a second car. We have been juggling one car since we got married and it has been quite the blessing financially to be able to do this and with little hassle considering our comparable work schedules, BUT the time has come that we are both OVER IT!
5. Start working on family history. This is another one of those things that I have wanted to do but never found the time. I want to have family show me how to do this and make it happen. This is a big goal because it is sooo time consuming, but I think it will be interesting to learn about my ancestors :)

So here I am, welcoming 2011! I am curious to see what it has in store for my family and friends. May this year be one of happiness, health and lots of love!


Lisa Lamb said...

thats some good resolutions. good luck with the baseball card thing. I know how Lamb's are with getting rid of stuff. Brian held on to clothes he had as a teen that I finally convinced him to chunk!

MB Lamb said...

Yeah, he has not even looked at the cards, for sure since we have been married, I'll have to be created to acheive that one :)

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